
On Revising and Editing

For the last one and a half years, I have been working on revisions, attending classes and conferences, reading lots and lots and lots of books on writing, and reading lots and lots of novels. When I first started writing LEARNING TO FALL, it was purely a therapeutic and cathartic endeavor, but as the characters developed and their lives expanded, and their goals and dreams and desires became distinguished, the world became quite real - if only in my own mind :)

As of today, I hope I'm writing the penultimate draft - well, at least until the novel goes out on submission. I'm sure there will be plenty of revisions then as well. Yes, that sort of makes me cringe right now, but I know that the novel has become better, thanks to all of these wonderful drafts - and thanks to all of my wonderful teachers and beta readers!

I will keep you posted on the progress. 

I leave you with a photo of the coffee table up on Whidbey Island, where many major changes took place.

Write on!